Tana Young

As the youngest presenter at our event, Tana is embracing this opportunity to be the voice of the youth in our community who are truly the next generation of stewards to our shared Earth. Her talk is titled: “One Earth, One People” and describes how our actions today are connected to the health of the planet tomorrow, and all the generations that follow.

6th Grade Student – Creekview Intermediate School

Tana Young

Marysville, OH

“To quote former French President Francois Hollande, ‘We have a single mission: to protect and hand over the planet to the next generation.’ As a member of the next generation, it is important to do my part now to protect the Earth and keep it healthy for the generations that follow me.”

Tana enjoys doing gymnastics and different types of arts and crafts. Her family includes her mom, her dad, her brothers Braeden(19) and Grayson(13), and her dogs, Buddha and Griffin. She wants to be a Biomedical engineer when she grows up. We are so proud to have Tana as a speaker at our event!



Buddha and Griffin